You can send your text for PC in:
- Microsoft Word 2000 or less
- WordPerfect Office 2002 or less
- Wordpad
- Microsoft Works
- Rich text format
- Do a cut and paste at the end of your e-mail
What you need to do:
- Make sure your text is ERROR FREE
- Never put a hard return if it’s not at the end of a paragraph
- No hyphenations
- If you are using special characters, please specify which font is used
- Send all pictures (jpegs, tiff, eps or pdf)
- There is a scanning fee of $5.00 CDN per image that we have to scan
2. Submission of Final Product
In order to proceed further with your manuscript, you will be required to sign a 3- year contract with Baico Publishing. You will be required to pay a formatting fee and a cover design fee on delivery of proof copy based on our price structure as outlined below.
3. Pricing Structure
Formatting Fees (in Canadian dollars):
number of
pages |
1st proof |
2nd revision
proof |
3rd revision
proof |
whole book |
0 to 50
No charge
51 to 100
No charge
101 to 150
No charge
151 to 200
No charge
201 to 250
No charge
251 to 300
No charge
301 to 350
No charge
351 to 400
No charge
401 to 450
No charge
451 to 500
No charge
501 to 550
No charge
551 to 600
No charge
601 to 650
No charge
651 to 700
No charge
701 to 750
No charge
751 to 800
No charge
801 - Over
No charge
Supply a HIGH RESOLUTION (at least 300dpi) picture.
Synopsis for Back cover.
Create Complete Cover : $250-$600.00
Create Cover with Supplied Picture : $125.00-$175.00
Supply a HIGH RESOLUTION (at least 300dpi) picture.
Synopsis for Back cover.
Create Complete Cover : $250-$600.00
Create Cover with Supplied Picture : $125.00-$175.00