Baico Publishing invites you to submit your manuscript for an assessment, we look forward to making your publishing experience a pleasant journey.
We are dedicated to reading your manuscript from cover to cover in order to make a fair decision as to whether or not to proceed with entering into a publishing contract with you. This procedure ensures that your work meets our selection criteria.
Should Baico accept your manuscript for publishing after reading it, you will need to follow our publishing guidelines as outlined on our Publishing Services webpage. If we accept your work after reading your manuscript but you decide not to enter into a contract with Baico, then you incur an administration fee of Cdn $100.00 plus a reading fee of Cdn $1.00 per page (single line spacing) which must be paid immediately on Baico returning your manuscript to you.
If you are interested in submitting your manuscript to us, kindly proceed with the following instructions:
How to submit your manuscript:
- We accept all types of manuscripts in English and in French on a wide range of topics excluding any literature that promotes religious, racial or cultural discrimination, hate, pornography and any such offensive material.
- Please send your manuscript to us on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper, double-spaced, accompanied by your legal name, mailing address and phone number.
- Depending on the number of pages you submit, it may take a couple of weeks to a few months before hearing from us on whether or not we are interested in publishing your work.
- If you have a children’s book, you do not have to submit the illustrations unless you already have them done. We are interested first in the storyline of your manuscript, then we look at the illustrations.
- You are required to submit with your manuscript, a completed non-disclosure form that will protect your intellectual property.
- Please send manuscript and all other documents required by
mail or deliver in person to our office.