Baico provides authors with distribution channels for both paperback print and e-book services.

Baico Publishing clients can now sell in the Sony Reader Store

Baico Publishing clients now have another distribution opportunity for their books.  Our distribution company, Book Sellers Canada, has added the Sony Reader Store to its list of distribution channels for Baico Publishing clients.  They already provide distribution through Amazon Kindle,, and

Book Sellers Canada is pleased to announce that they have increased their distribution channel to include the Sony Reader Store effective today.

Book Sellers Canadian is the top choice for authors seeking publishing, distribution, ebook development and mobile development services.

We are helping over 500 authors gain access to the international audience of readers. Book Sellers Canada is the primary distribution channel for Canadian publishing companies such as Baico Publishing of Ottawa, Canada. 

If you're in need of publishing services then please contact Baico Publishing at

If you would like to learn more about how Book Sellers Canada's services can help you then contact us to learn more today.