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Working Effectively with Youth and With Youth with Disabilities

Working Effectively with Youth and With Youth with Disabilities

This book provides a wealth of techniques and helpful interventions that will greatly assist leaders in working effectively with youth and with youth with disabilities. The book style is laid out in two formats. The first part is article format which speaks to the many varied specific types of children that we as leaders will possibly encounter in our volunteer Scouting work and how to best work with them. Part two is helpful point form ideas that will elaborate ways of relating better to Scouting youth with or without disabilities. The goal of writing this document was to help teach leaders possibly new, effective and meaningful ways of positively engaging youth. It is hoped that you will find it to be beneficial and helpful in this endeavor. Some of the materials comprising this document were researched on the internet as pertinent to each disability as well as through meeting and speaking with various professionals in their separate fields of specialty when elaborating on the various articles.  Foremost, a great deal of the suggestions and recommendations were taken from the many parents of the various Scouting youth who readily formed a partnership with this writer in learning how to effectively interact with their wonderful children. Many years of active, leadership involvement in several of the sections working with varied youth with a multitude of disabilities allowed me to acquire a wealth of knowledge and a solid skill set. Such was achieved through being taught by the child and through careful observation of what seemed to work best and what needed refinement over the years.